Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 8th Session

At the Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 8th Session, Fuyuki Yamakawa, the Khoomei singer and artist, was invited and he gave a talk titled, “The Body and Society.”
He also gave an impromptu performance on the spot.
He stated that the Fukushima Dai-chi Nuclear Power Station accident has become an undeniable proof that our body is physically linked to the world, and mentioned the importance of exposing what is invisible, of recognizing distance, and to imagine something that is far away. (Akagi)


Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 7th Session

At the Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 7th Session, Kenji Kai, Chief of Projects & Support, Sendai Mediatheque, was invited and he gave a talk titled, “Vision (which comes later) Formulation – Vision is created while working (I suppose)”.
Keeping visual images of the disaster-stricken areas recorded by both the victims in Sendai and those in unaffected areas, each in their own thoughtful ways, was one of the activities of Sendai Mediatheque. When entering the disaster-stricken areas and taking videos of the scenes, he mentioned that many of the participants would wonder if they had the right to record the images.
In the event of a catastrophe or a major accident, it does not mean that only the person or party involved has the right to talk about it. He said that what is important is, even if you are an outsider, how you earn the support so that you are able to speak out and how you approach the person affected. (Akagi)


Vacant Properties Team Visits “Toride Art Project (TAP)”

On May 15, the Vacant Properties Team went on a study-tour to see the “Toride Art Project (TAP)”. TAP, which started in 1999, is a project carried out in collaboration among 3 parties, the citizens and the city government of Toride and Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, using the city of Toride as a field. The city of Toride is attempting to become a city of art, and the project is attracting attention as a project that is employing “art” for town-development. We asked to conduct the tour to study as a reference case for the Vacant Properties Team’s project to make use of vacant homes and properties in Hojo. It was very interesting and meaningful, since the staff showed us its activity to revive a vacant house with art and let us see other cases, too.
With the inspiration acquired during this tour in our hearts, we would like to continue our activities.
(Muranaka, 4th Year at College of Policy and Planning Sciences)

Toride Art Project (TAP) Website


Preview: Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 7th Session

At the Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 7th Session, Kenji Kai, Chief of Projects & Support, Sendai Mediatheque, will be invited to give a talk titled, “Vision (which comes later) Formulation – Vision is created while working (I suppose)”. Please come and participate, as anyone is welcome to attend. (Akagi)
Venue: Tsukuba University, Bldg. 6A, Rm208
Date & Time: Friday, May 29, 12:15〜13:30


Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 6th Session

At the Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 6th Session, Yusuke Kakei, Head of issue+design, was invited and he gave a talk titled, “Social Design: The Design Mentality That Solves Local Issues”. The focus of his lecture was on the activities of issue+design, which solves various social problems by employing the power of design. To change from a society that is dependent on public aid to a type of society that is self-reliant and mutually cooperative, people need to be motivated to participate, and it is the strength of design, art and beauty that can motivate a movement to drive people to want to participate. It is something that relates to our CR activities as well. (Akagi)


Preview: Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 6th Session

At the Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 6th Session, Yusuke Kakei, Head of issue+design, will be invited to give a talk titled, “Social Design: The Design Mentality That Solves Local Issues”. Please come and participate, as anyone is welcome to attend. (Akagi)
Venue: Tsukuba University, Bldg. 6A, Rm208
Date & Time: Friday, May 22, 12:15〜13:30


Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 5th Session

At the Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 5th Session, Nobuaki Takekawa, the contemporary artist, was invited and he gave a talk titled, “Children who pretend not to see, and children who jeer.”
He began explaining about the structure of bullying among children and went on to talk about and analyze hate-speech, demonstrations, the anti-nuclear power movement and such.
He spoke about the fact that a build-up of small activities can bring about a large trend and about the changes in the positionality of those affected after the 3.11 catastrophe. I felt that both were deeply relevant to the future of our CR activities. (Akagi)


Kamado Project takes part in “Reconstruction: Hojo Spring Market”

On May 6, the Kamado Project took part in “Reconstruction: Hojo Spring Market”. It has been 3 years since the tornado hit the city. The weather turned out to be nice and more people came out than last year.
This year, we conducted a workshop to cook rice on the kamado (Cooking stove) with the students of Hojo Elementary School and Tsukuba High School, and we also sold chimaki onigiri (Bamboo wrapped rice balls), which were cooked on the kamado.
Six elementary school and 5 high school students participated in the workshop. The elementary school pupils were very excited to see a kamado for the first time and had fun starting the fire. Local people also took part on the spot, and some delicious rice was cooked as everyone smiled and had a good time around the kamado. The chimaki was all sold out, and it turned out to be a fulfilling day, and, hopefully, people became more familiar with the kamado. (Touda, 3rd Year at School of Art & Design)
