The CR Project and the activities it engenders were presented during the Symposium on Disaster Prevention and Recovery of Japan: Contribution of Knowledge, Creation of Living Spaces Safe and Secured — Rokko Symposium on Disaster Recovery (Kamisu Hiraizumi Community Center; October 14, 2012). The forum was widely attended by roughly 100 citizens and researchers. When guests inquired about the workshop and showed interest in our support of the program we realized how high the concern of individuals outside the university was.
Moreover, prior to that day, we had a chance to introduce the project’s education ideas and plans during seminars, and as with the symposium, attendees expressed curiosity regarding the methods we incorporated to foster the classes and their outputs.
Another conference is scheduled for November 25, 2012 (Sunday) in Kenpoku during which Pr. Osaka will take the rostrum. We hope to see you there. [Yamamoto]
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