Culture & Social Innovation / Tokyo Conference

The Culture & Social Innovation / Tokyo Conference is organized by the city of Tokyo, the Tokyo Culture Creation Project office (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History & Culture), the Japan Foundation and the University of Tsukuba. Mr. Kenji Kubota, sub-leader of this project board, will participate as moderator for the first section of this program called “Disaster Recuperation through Cultural and Artistic Projects – Case Studies and Sustainable Support Systems.”

This symposium will serve as an off-campus seminar for the Vision Formulation series. Students of the University of Tsukuba should attend the Culture & Social Innovation / Tokyo Conference on October 19th & 20th. A special reception desk will be set for them.

October 19th, 2012 (Friday) 10:00am~12:30pm
Location – Japan Foundation, JFIC hall “SAKURA” (4-4-1 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
Lecture title – Section meeting program #1

October 20th, 2012 (Saturday) 1:00pm~2:30pm
Location – Tosho Hall (3-2-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Lecture title – Plenary meeting program [debrief session]

* The two above lectures are the only ones required for the course, but there are many other interesting and informative events that students are encouraged to attend.

“Culture and Social Innovation, Tokyo Conference” website:
There is a “Registration” button to click in order to register, but you do not need to register as the participants of the Vision Formulation already benefit from a registration.

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