”Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)” screening at MOVIX Tsukuba

The screening of “Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)” was held at MOVIX Tsukuba. 
 People not only from Tsukuba-city and the periphery, but people from the Kansai area, Iwaki natives, people who had evacuated and are now living in Tsukuba, and from many other areas also came. Thank you very much to everyone who came despite it being an evening showing. Before the screening, Governor Ichihara of Tsukuba-city took time out from his busy schedule to come and deliver a speech.
Many valuable remarks were made in the questionnaire at the screening: for example, “It was encouraging to see the so-called ‘victims’ with positive attitudes of the reality and of the future, but on the other hand, it was apparent that perhaps those that assume cheerfulness and a sunny outlook are the ones who are masking their sorrow and pain.” “I was reminded of the fact that even though 3 years have passed, some people are unable to return.” “Many words struck me.” “A deeper cut into the nuclear power plant accident, which was man-caused, would have been better.” “ A flat movie in both good and bad ways.” “I realized the importance of talking about it and putting it on record.”
Every time a screening is held, we are blessed with many words requesting for a sequel and with offers of independent community screenings. This showing was the last of the premier screening, however, we are currently working on showing it at theaters and getting organized so that more people will be able to see the movie. Please keep your eyes on our website as details of future showings will be posted. We hope that the movie would serve as an opportunity to remember the events relating to the earthquake and disaster stricken areas.
We would like to extend our thanks to the staff at MOVIX Tsukuba, Tsukuba City Hall, University staff and many others for their cooperation. Thank you very much. We humbly ask that you continue to give your support to the movie, “Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)”. (Hashimoto)




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