The Premier Screening of “Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)”

On Feb. 16, the premier screening of  “Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)” was held in Iwaki-city.  A total of 160 people came.  Not only the people who had contributed to creating the movie, but there were also many people from the general public.  We would like to once again extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who was involved in creating the movie.
Since the premier was in Iwaki-city where the reporting and shooting were carried out, the entire staff was quite nervous at first.  At the talk show after the screening, every student expressed their gratitude toward the people who had given them support, and what they had learned through the movie-making came across as well.  Their sense of devotion to the movie was once again revealed.  Many valuable comments and thoughts were expressed during the question-and-answer period.  We believe that we must address every comment seriously.
The movie will be shown on Friday, 21st at Tsukuba University, and on Sunday, March 2 at Tokyo UPLINK.  We would like many people to see the movie and give us their opinions.  Please come to the coming showings as well.  (Hashimoto)

“Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)” Website:




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