On July 22nd and 23rd , we, members of FUKUSHIMA VOICE went for an inspection to Iwaki. On the first day, we gave assistance at the Iwaki future meeting, and by listening to the points of view of people from various backgrounds such as Iwaki citizens, people who sought refuge in Iwaki, farming families or high school students, we had a real insight of the troubles they are facing.

The second day, we visited the temporary housing areas, and the Shioyasaki coastal area and the district of Onahama where the damages from the tsunami were very serious. Also, we were invited to the house of a farming family we had met during the Iwaki future meeting who grows Nameko mushrooms, and learnt about the Nameko mushrooms culture and heard about the terrible impact of the harmful rumors.

After the onsite research, we discussed about concrete issues for the production of the documentary such as which location and persons we should target for our research, and which angle to give when approaching the theme. (Hashimoto)

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