Yui Team’s “Yui’s Pottery Workshop Lunch Party” 

Oct. 19, Sunday, “Yui’s Pottery Project 2014” Lunch Party
We asked the people who took part in the workshop, those who had sent their vessels as an invitation, and last year’s Yui Team members to come together for a lunch party. The party was held to promote communication and interaction through the lunch using the bowls and sakura motif cups made during this year’s project.
We cooked with the participants who had volunteered to join us. We made kenchinjiru, fried hikina, which is a local dish of Fukushima prefecture, and added to these planned dishes, the participants brought in taro potatoes, sweet potatoes, komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach) and many other vegetables and other homemade dishes. The atmosphere was very friendly with the participants, who were full of energy, helping and teaching us how to make the dishes as we prepared for the lunch party. During the lunch, people reflected on the dishes they had created, and spoke about the words the recipients of the dishes had said to them, about the reaction when they saw the dishes, about the earthquake, about the current refugees situation 3 and 1/2 years after the nuclear power plant accident, about things on their minds now, and even about their hobbies and interests, touching on a wide range of subjects.
Finally, while we were delighted to hear that some people said that they would definitely like to come back again next year, we also pulled ourselves together to prepare for the next project. We would like to continue with the project in which the participants can enjoy making pottery and also bring out the best of our originality as the “Yui’s Pottery”. We would like to hold meetings to discuss what we had learned in the interaction this time and apply our experience to improve future initiatives. (Noguchi, 3rd Year at School of Art & Design)

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Vacant Properties Team: After the open air screening at Hojo

On Saturday, Oct. 18, an open-air movie screening was held in a place where there used to be a movie theater (Now, a vacant lot.) in Hojo Shopping Center.
After a survey of vacant land and houses conducted in the spring semester, we tried to come up with ways to make use of these unoccupied spaces. During the course of our discussion, we found out that there used to be a theater (movie) in the Hojo Shopping Center. We were moved by the enthusiastic tone of the local people who spoke about their memories of the theater, and decided to carry out this event.
We planned the event in the hope that the memory of the very lively and busy Hojo Shopping Center in the Showa Period would bring joy across all generations and inspire urban development of the Hojo community. That is why we created the original movie, “Memories of Hojo”, and even tried to make baked sweet potatoes in the Showa style. The preparations were far harder that we had anticipated, but many people from the local area came, the baked sweet potatoes and amazake (sweet rice wine) were well received, and all in all the event was a great success.
The local people gave us enormous support not only by taking part in the shooting and in the conducting of interviews for the movie “Memories of Hojo”, but also in the set up and clean up on the actual day. We feel that we were able to successfully carry out the event thanks to all the people who gave us their support, such as letting us borrow things for the screening and so on. The entire event, including the preparation period in which a small team of us worked on our assigned tasks, was a great experience for me as well.
Some people mentioned that the black and white movie was a bit difficult for children to follow. We would like to take in such comments and other thoughts and wishes of the local people and continue to further promote in the revitalization of the community by making use of vacant properties.
(Shimoda, 4th Year at College of Education)


Vacant Properties Team: Open air movie theater

The Vacant Properties Team will hold an open-air movie screening in an unoccupied lot of Hojo Shopping Center, where there used to be a movie theater. Please come and join us to create a new page in the history of Hojo Shopping Center!

Date: Saturday, Oct. 18th, 2014. *In case of rain, on Sunday, 19th.
Time: Doors open at 17:30. Film starts at 18:00.
Place: Former theater (Hojo Nakamachi, 34)
“Memories of Hojo”: starring residents of Hojo.
Editor: CR Vacant Properties Team
“Kurama Tengu, Kakubei Jishi”, produced in 1951.
Free of charge. Hot drinks and baked sweet potatoes will be available.
Please come in warm clothes.


2014 Science Visualization Assignments

On Friday, Sept. 26, a presentation and evaluation session for the Science Visualization Assignments was carried out. The expressive illustrations by the art students and the progress in artistic representation made by the science students were all amazing. Sayoko Tanaka Sensei evaluated the works from a visual design perspective and the instructors, who had assigned the themes, from a scientific standpoint. While there were some harsh comments, some received high praises with the instructors remarking that they would like to use some of the pieces for their academic conference presentations. It turned out to be a very animated and lively class.
The photographs of the works are Mito Kuragano’s (3rd Year at School of Art & Design) “The Mechanism of How An Earthquake Occurs: Elastic Rebound Theory” (one image), and Chizuru Kanda’s (3rd Year at School of Art & Design) “An Illustration Summarizing the Fundamentals of Radiation” (2 images). Though the themes are not something that the art students are used to portraying, both works are easy to understand and well thought out. There were many other wonderful works, which will be introduced at another occasion. (Takasaki)


Yui Team’s “Yui’s Pottery Workshop, Session 3”

On Sunday, Sept. 28, the 3rd session of the Yui’s Pottery Project was carried out. The fired dishes were shown for the first time and it was also time to pack and get ready to give away the “Sakura-motif cups”. The first thing of the day was to take out the vessels from the kiln. The vessels that were glazed in the previous session had become glossy and transparent. The texture had transformed from a clayish one to a hard, porcelaneous one. The participants stared at their creations as they came out of the kiln, touched and felt around with their hands checking out the forms. They seemed to be appreciating the changes between before and after the firing. To complete, a base was carefully attached to each one and then it was show time. Everyone took pictures of the vessels, shared comments with one another, and talked about which parts they took special care in the making. Compared to the very first session, there was more conversation among the participants. At the photo session, each pair combined each other’s vessel to make it one “Yui’s pottery”. A beautiful smile was on everyone’s face. Next, it was preparing for the gift presenting. This is a new attempt that has been introduced this year. Each participant will carefully pack their vessel and write a thoughtful invitation letter for a party to be held on Oct. 19 and send them to the person that they wish to give their creation to. Some have chosen their spouse, but everyone has chosen a special person to whom they would like to give their creation, and they all seemed to be enjoying the process, making the session a very cozy and friendly one. When they had finished packing, some said, “I’m going to miss my work, which was finished only a moment ago.” At the end of the session, we asked the participants to comment on their work and the making process. The most impressive was “I’ve made the one and only piece in the world”. Finally, the staff thanked the participants for taking part and mentioned the sense of achievement we felt for accomplishing what we had done. I felt that today’s activity embraced many aspects of the reconstruction. Everyone went home with a smile. The pottery workshop came to an end today. The staff held many meetings trying to solve problems in order to make it a successful event, and we are very glad that there were no major troubles and we were able to achieve what we set out to do. The next event will be the party on Oct. 19. Everyone will bring along the dishes they had made, good food will be prepared and we hope to make it an enjoyable event for both the participants and the staff! (Noguchi, 3rd Year at School of Art & Design)

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Yui Team’s “Yui’s Pottery Workshop, Session 2”

At the 2nd Yui’s Pottery Project, glazing and loading of the kiln for the glost-firing were carried out with the participants. Once again, the participants were very enthusiastic about creating their own dishes. First, the participants saw their own creation after a week. They were surprised by the change between before and after the bisque firing. They were also pleased with the sakura motif that had beautifully appeared on the surface of the cups. This time, we used a glaze called limestone glaze-3, which turns transparent when fired at a high temperature (1250℃). Since the glaze must be applied to the bisque fired ware in one go, some of the participants were having trouble, but they also seemed to be enjoying the intense, focal moment of putting the glaze on their work. When the vessels were glazed, they were rather hard to distinguish which one belonged to whom, but next week, after the gloss firing, many a one-and-only, unique pieces of work will be completed. The participants loaded the kiln, looking forward to next week’s results. Next week, on Sept. 28, there will be an occasion to show off the finished works, and we will take time for a pack-and-send task to invite everyone’s special person to whom the created vessels will be presented. We hope to make next week’s workshop another memorable one full of fun. (Nagano, 3rd Year at School of Art & Design)


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Open Class: Science Visualization Assignments

The presentation and evaluation session for the Science Visualization Assignments that was mentioned the other day will be carried out in the form of an open class. It is a very interesting class that tries to visually convey scientific themes in a simple and friendly way. Please come and attend. The photographs here are scenes from last year’s class. (Takasaki) 

Science Visualization Assignments: Presentation & Evaluation Session
Date & Time: Friday, Sept. 26, 14:00 to 17:00
 Classroom: 5C513
*Each student will be given 4 minutes for the presentation and evaluation by the instructor in charge.
Sayoko Tanaka (School of Art and Design), Matt Wood (Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences), Makoto Kobayashi (School of Medicine and Medical Sciences), Koji Nomura (Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences), Yoshihiro Miwa (School of Medicine and Medical Sciences), Yuji Yagi (Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences), Hiroshi Wada (Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences), Masataka Watanabe (Tsukuba Communications, Science Communication)
