Itako team: Decorating for the School Festival

The goal of this operation was to create inviting designs and trimmings for the Itako city junior high school festival. The Hinode area where the school is located has been suffering from the ground liquefaction phenomenon and damage can still be seen on roads and pathways today.
The Itako team’s efforts aimed to boost an animated, bustling ambiance for the event and enthusiasm quickly spread throughout the entire area.
The group visited the school several times before the festival opened in order to devise decorating plans and needs.

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The Kitajo team organized Crappe as a part of the Kitajo Fall Market held on November 3rd and 4th.
Kitajo prospered during the Edo era as a temple city for the worship of the Tsukuba Mountains; historic streets bordered by old storehouses can still be found. The tornado hit just at the moment when locals were working on projects to revitalize the area by converting the storehouses into concert halls or reunion spaces.
This time around, in an effort to spread the good word about Kitajo and increase its number of visitors, the team organized Crappe — an event during which Kitajo-style rice balls, a regional specialty, were served to attendees.
Despite tarpaulins draped over structures, broken signage and other evidence of devastation that remained, many people came to the Fall Market and seemed to enjoy the rice balls.

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Crappe, an occasion during which rice balls will be served at the Hojo Fall Market in the district of Hojo (Tsukuba city), will take place this weekend.
In order to promote this event, we arranged an additional activity called “Kiki-Kome” at Tsukuba University; after obtaining rice from the supermarket, old rice from Hojo and freshly harvested rice from Hojo, we made a variety of rice balls and surveyed people on campus about which one had the best taste.

crappe homepage>>

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REPORT: Art Project Presentation at Ishigenishi Junior High School Festival

The art project related to the Ishigenishi Junior High School of Joso, which had to be torn down due to the disaster, was introduced during the school culture festival (Nishichu Festival).

October 27, 2012 (Saturday)

Location: Joso City Regional Exchange Center, Entrance Hall

The team carefully selected pieces from the art project exhibition which was held at the Tsukuba University Festival and borrowed the venue of the Nishichu Festival to feature them again.
The show consisted of works created by school students during the summer holiday workshops along with others by Tsukuba students and faculty, all of which utilized objects found in the demolished school building.

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A Gentle Handwork

Pr. Katsuto Miyahara is involved with the “Recovery of Fukushima through a “Gentle Handwork” and will give a commemorative speech as well as arrange a seminar on lumber. In addition, our university’s own Pr. Kunihiro Ando will contribute to the symposium.
For more information please refer to the following pamphlet:

Japanese Lacquer Art Festival

We apologize for the late announcement. Project members Pr. Takuro Osaka and Pr. Katsuto Miyahara will participate in the Japanese Lacquer Art Festival taking place in both Aizawa-Wakamatsu and Kitakata.

Japanese Lacquer Art Festival website:

October 6, 2012 (Saturday) through November 23, 2012 (Friday)

* The works of Pr. Osaka and Pr. Miyahara will be exhibited in the Niju-Magura event space

Occassion to sponsor a festival

October 13th
After returning from their research excursion in August, the CR Aizu/Kitakata team held several meetings and, as a result, decided to foster projects in the temporary housing units of Johoku in the city of Aizu-Wakamatsu. They visited the temporary dwellings of Johoku again with several concrete action plans and gave a presentation to Mr. Ishikawa, the president of the residents’ association, and his colleagues. In the end, they agreed to organize a festival with the students there. (Miyahara)

Report : « Art Project in collaboration with the Ishigenishi Junior High School »

The Joso team has planned an exhibition to showcase the results of their art project in collaboration with the students and faculty of Ishigenishi Junior High School, whose school building was levelled following the disaster. Here is the report:
Dates: Saturday October 6th, 2012 to Monday October 8th (holiday)
Location: Tsukuba University festival “Soho Festival” / room 204 of the 6A building in the Art area

The team introduced the different steps of the project using panels on the black board, pictures and the display of actual objects found in the school building, and also worked to exhibit pieces the school students completed during the summer holiday workshop along with the work of the Tsukuba students and teachers. All the creations used materials and artifacts found in the demolished former school building.
Many people attended this exhibition. Among them were not only the regular visitors of the school festival, but also pupils and faculty from Ishigenishi Junior High School, guarantors, alumni, etc. The show appeared to be quite a success as we feel we managed to convey the sentiment of loss that the people of Ishigenishi experienced as well.
The exhibition is scheduled to be displayed at the Ishigenishi school festival too, on October 27th .

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Joso Team : Art Project in collaboration with the Ishigenishi Junior High School

The Joso team is contributing to the University of Tsukuba Festival (Soho Festival). They are presenting a report on the workshop they organized at the Ishigenishi Junior High School, along with an exhibition of the artworks created by teachers and students. The pieces in this exhibit were all made with objects and fragments that were left after school building was torn down.

In the entrance, the school flag is displayed.
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