“Yui” (community) team’s “Pottery of Yui Project.”

On September 1st, the first session of the Pottery of Yui Project was held at the University of Tsukuba. People who have moved to Tsukuba to live from places like Haramachi-ku and Odaka-ku in Minami-Soma City, Futaba-gun in the town of Futaba, and the towns of Nahara, Tomioka and Namie, as well as Iwaki City, participated in the project. The participants divided into two teams: those from Odaka-ku in Minami-Soma City, and those from Futaba and other places. They cooperated with each other to make the casts for the cups and bowls, and the two halves of the mold. The task was completed thanks to the cooperative communication between the supporting students and the participants.
For the second session on September 8th next week, the participants will use the molds they create to make cups and bowls. We are then planning to hold a lunch party on September 28th (Saturday), where everyone can use the pottery they’ve made to eat a meal with Hojo rice from Tsukuba. It was still very hot when we held the session, but the day was over before we knew it. When we want to create and shape something, we always need to discuss things and share advice with each other. This is true for making things from clay, as well as in other situations. The participants chatted naturally about their current situation, what it was like to evacuate, and of course the nuclear disaster. While sharing these stories, they experienced an out of the ordinary task of creation. I was very happy to hear them say they were having fun. The Hojo rice we will use at the lunch party will be sourced with the help of the students active in Hojo-ku, Tsukuba City, as members of “Crappe” (Facebook Crappe Diary.) (Saito)

Workshop with Hinode Junior High School, Itako City

On the morning of August 21st (Tuesday), we held a paper bag mask making workshop with students from the art club at Hinode Junior High School in Itako City. Paper bags are easy to obtain, easy to manipulate, and a familiar everyday item for everyone. In this workshop, students made their own original masks out of paper bags, and took photos wearing them in various poses. The task of making eye holes at the correct position cannot be done alone. One person must wear the mask and point to where their eyes are, and the other person then marks those points on the mask. This ensures the holes will be in the right place. Such cooperative tasks, although small, are very important too.

Once the masks were finished, the students tried them on and also made their friends and teachers wear them too. It was a day full of fun and laughter as they enjoyed seeing the surprising designs thought up by their friends. After taking a group photo to remember the day, the students wrote short essays about their experience, and offered suggestions about how to improve the materials and tools we used. This workshop also served as a practice run for the Halloween workshop that will be held on October 31st (Thursday) for students from both the Hinode elementary and junior high schools. Students from the two schools do not have much interaction with each other, and we hope these workshops will be an opportunity for strengthening and broadening bonds for the community, by letting these students share memories together. The next workshop will have 100 participants in total, making it a totally different scale to this one. We learned from this workshop that we need to ensure we are very well prepared in advance. (Kamiura)

Okuma Tsukuba Summer Festival!!!

On August 10 (Saturday), The Okuma Tsukuba Summer Festival was held in the emergency temporary housings located to the north of the Johoku Junior High School, in the city of Aizu-Wakamatsu by the citizens of Okuma and the POP CORN team. We made a tower out of beer cases, learnt the dances of the Okuma city Bon-Odori and danced them along with everyone. A lot of food stands were out and the atmosphere was fun and lively. The persons living in the temporary housing told us that it would be great to do it again next year, which made us think that the festival was a success. (Akagi)

Seniors of the city came to help build the tower!

The children put the beer cases together to make a table!

The Festival begins!

Mr. Guren does a performance.

Let’s make handmade pottery

Pottery of Yui Project: announcement
The CR “Yui” (community) team is organising a workshop for pottery making: ” Pottery of Yui Project.”
Have you ever tried pottery? Have you ever eaten off pieces of tableware you’ve made by yourself? Have you ever created things with people you met for the first time?
The Pottery of Yui Project consists of making pottery throughout 3 workshop sessions. The pottery made will trigger links between people. When the pieces are completed, we will also organise a meal.
Pottery seems interesting! I want to eat off a plate I made! What is the Pottery of Yui? If you are interested, please do not hesitate to participate.
For more details, click on the brochure image or email : yui.utsuwa@gmail.com

CR in action!

An interval exhibition between the Vision Formulation exercises and off-campus Challenge assignments has begun.
With the beginning of summer, the 7 teams have started to work on their projects in the various locations. The exhibition will show students interviews, and diaries of workshops and events, and visitors will be able to see the work in process of the various teams.
We will be waiting for your attendance.
“ CR in action ! ”
From June 25th
Location: Bldg 6A, Entrance Gallery

Aizu-Wakamatsu resarch

The day after the event held in the temporary housing of Johoku, we went to Aizu-Wakamatsu where there is more temporary housing in order to accomplish some researches.
We divided into two groups : the group that went to make a presentation at the town hall of Okuma, and the group that researched in Aizu-Wakamatsu city. The two groups joined in the afternoon to make a presentation of the POP CORN team project of this year in front of the curators of the Fukushima Museum. We received advice from them to help us order this project, and the students probably now have a better idea of what should be done in order to implement the summer event.

Temaki-zushi Festival of Okuma Tsukuba

The POP CORN team has organized a Temaki-Zushi Festival in the temporary housings located in the North of the Johoku elementary School, in the city of Aizu-Wakamatsu. Although it was the second time an event was organised in the temporary housings, many people living locally came to participate.
Under the direction of the lady living in one of the temporay houses, we managed to make a 4m-long Temaki-zushi!

This event was combined with some research works, and we took advantage of the meal to listen to the stories of the people living there. We will take this information back and it will help with the next event planned to be in summer. (Akagi)

Join us at the «Potato Hot Pot» Festival!

The «Potato Hot Pot» Festival was held in the event hall of Johoku in Aizu-Wakamatsu. The citizens assisted students with preparations for the celebration and the gathering was made possible by the collaboration of both parties.
Despite rainy weather, the event benefited from the presence of numerous visitors while the “Cosplay” and karaoke activities sustained a very joyful environment.
It is our sincere hope that these festivities were able to nurture a stronger sense of solidarity and community for the local guests.

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« Potato Hot Pot » Festival report

The Aizu team, whose sphere of action is centered on the Aizu region, will organize the «Potato Hot Pot» festival in the residential area of Joho in Wakamatsu for November 18th. Children as well as adults can enjoy the student-run booths, radio event and other entertainment. On this day, Pop Cone will adorn the festival space using their well-known small truck and construction cones to make the setting more attractive.