Tokyo Designers Week 2013, School Exhibition

The Aizu team and Food Culture (Hojo) team will show their works at the Tokyo Designers Week 2013, School Exhibition, which will begin on the 26th of this month. As an exploration to seek, through art and design, new lifestyles and values after the earthquake, a “Yagura tower” and “Kamado cooking stove” will be shown by the respective teams. Please come and visit us. (Iida)
Tokyo Designers Week 2013

Period: Oct. 26 (Saturday) – Nov. 4 (Monday, holiday), for 10 days.
Time: 11:00–21:00 (Final day till 20:00)

Venue: In front of Meiji Jingu Gaien, 2-3 Kasumigaoka-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0013 

Number of visitors: 120,000 (Expected)
Ticket: 2,500 yen (On the day)
* On Nov. 3, Sunday, students from each team will give a presentation in the dome at the TDW. The presentation time is from 9:00 till 12:30, but the exact time of the Tsukuba University teams’ turn is undetermined.
東京デザイナーズウィーク2013 学校作品展 (Link to Tokyo Designers Week 2013, School Exhibition)



Nawatobi (Jump Rope) Project in Onahama!

The other project carried out by the Taikan Taiken (Feel & Experience) Lab Team during the Onahama Hon-cho Street Art Festival (Oct. 13 & 14, 2013), the Nawatobi (Jump Rope) Project’s final video, was uploaded to You Tube. The students asked people in Onahama to jump rope. They filmed each person jumping once and connected the jumps of all the people that they had met to create a movie. Please watch the energetic rope-jumping of a total of 200 people. (Iida)

Hop Stop Animation! Go Forth, Onahama Explorers!

As part of the program for the Onahama Hon-cho Street Art Festival 2013, the workshop “Hop Stop Animation! Go forth, Onahama Explorers!” was carried out by the Taikan Taiken (Feel & Experience) Lab Team. Using the stop motion technique of animation where images shot one by one of each movement are put together to create an animation, the participants and student staff members explored the town of Onahama. Many people came to the showing and let out a cheer when they saw the curious movements of the stop motion images, but also seemed to be watching intently at the scenes of Onahama and the smiles of children that could be seen in the background.





In the “Nawatobi (Jump Rope) Project”, held at the same time, the students asked people in Onahama to jump rope. They filmed each person jumping once and connected the jumps of all the people that they had met to create a movie. The video will be uploaded to You Tube later. (Iida)


”Our Own Laputa Strategy” is on!

The workshop, “Our Own Laputa Strategy” was carried out at Tsuchiyu Elementary School in Fukushima-city. Based on their future dreams, children created a town on miniature islands and attached balloons to make them float in the air. The students gave their helping hand and support to create the children’s dream town. The children cheered when the islands floated in mid air. The finished work will be on display at Shakunage-sou during the Tsuchiyu Arafudo Art Annual. While the students felt a sense of accomplishment, they also felt the necessity to continue the activity. (Iida)
Information of the Exhibit
Date & Time: Oct. 7 (Monday) ~ Oct. 14 (Monday), 9:00ー17:00.
Venue: Shakunage-sou (Fukushima-shi, Tsuchiyu Onsen, Suginoshita)






Yui Team: Unloading of Kiln & Lunch Party

Sept. 28 (Saturday), the vessels were finally done! Everyone was a bit nervous about unloading their works from the kiln, but everyone was glad to see that every single one of them had turned out great.
At the lunch party, using the dishes that had just been finished, everyone had kenchin-jiru (Japanese tofu and vegetable soup) and onigiri rice balls made of Hojo rice. In the lively atmosphere, the students were able to talk directly with the participants about the conditions right after the earthquake, their current life in Tsukuba, their anxieties and outlook of the future and other concerns that they had.
Many wonderful comments and about what they would like to make next were heard. Our next agenda then would probably be passing on this project so that it may be held again. (Akagi)







Yui Team: Applying the Glaze 

On Sept. 22, the vessels still warm from the bisque-firing were taken out of the kiln, and we applied the glaze with the participants.
The students showed them how to apply the glaze and, although in the beginning they were rather cautious with the glaze, as they got used to it, they became more creative, and used a different color for the rim or drew designs. It is the students that need to be inspired by their creativity!
There were 3 colors of glazes this time. At this point, they all looked the same color, but beautiful colors will appear after the glost firing. Everyone is very much looking forward to the unloading of the kiln on the 28th. (Akagi)







Yui Team’s “Pottery of Yui Project”. ②

On Sept. 8, the 2nd meeting of the Yui Project was held at Tsukuba University. Cups and bowls were created by pressing the clay into the molds created at the previous session.
The task was a bit difficult, such as cutting the clay into equal-size sheets, carefully removing the clay from the mold and adjusting the shapes, but everyone worked hard and seriously.
People cheered when the clay was removed from the molds, discussed with their partners when deciding on the shape of the cups and bowls, and finally when the bases were attached to them, the work was done. Each tableware is unique, but each one turned out to be a wonderful piece of work as the opening of the vessel matched perfectly with one’ partner’s.
When the clay is thoroughly dry, the process will continue with the bisque-firing, glazing and glost firing.
On the 28th, the final product will come out of the kiln. We are looking forward to the meal where everyone will be eating off the dishes that they have created.







“Our own Laputa strategy”

As a workshop project for the Tsuchiyu Arafudo Art Annual 2013, elementary school children from Fukushima City will create fantastical flying cities, like Laputa from the famous anime film “Castle in the Sky”. The children will place buildings on top of miniature islands to design their own city, and these will be attached to balloons and floated into the sky. After the workshop, a week-long exhibition will be held at Shakunage-sou. Other artists’ works will be displayed around this atmospheric town, famous for its onsen and wooden kokeshi dolls. We hope you will take the time to go and view it. (Ono)

Flying city workshop
Venue: Tsuchiyu Elementary School
Time & date: Sunday October 6th, 2013, 10am to 3pm

Exhibition: Shakunage-sou
Time & date: October 7th (Mon) to 14th (Mon), 2013, 9am to 5pm
Applications/inquiries: Genki Up Tsuchiyu Office, “Tsuchiyu Geijutsu Mangekyo Jikko Iinkai (Art Kaleidescope Executive Committee)”
Tel: 050-5857-8454 email:
When applying, please include your name, age, phone number, address, and school name.
Deadline for applications: 5pm on Tuesday, October 1st, 2013
Tsuchiya Arafudo Art Annual 2013 土湯アラフドアートアニュアル2013
Click on the flyer!



Hop Stop Animation! Go Forth, Onahama Explorers!

The Taikan Taiken (Feel & Experience) lab team will hold an animation workshop using stop motion techniques, at the “Onahama Honcho Street Art Festival”.
Along with elementary school children from Onahama, we will set out into the town to uncover the attractions of Onahama! It may be a chance to see Onahama from a different angle to how we usually view it. A screening of the animations will be held at the end to celebrate everyone’s productions. (Akagi)
Date & time: Sunday October 13, 2013, 10am to 3pm workshop
Monday October 14, 2013, 5pm screening
Venue: Onahama Honcho Dori, Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture.
Click on the flyer for more information!