Learn & Have Fun: Disaster Prevention Team’s Report Exhibition

An exhibition of the Disaster Prevention team’s report is being held at 6A Entrance gallery.
Photos from the disaster prevention game carried out on a slope at the Takahagi Industrial Recovery Festival last November and the Takahagi-shi Disaster Prevention booklet that the team created are on display. Please come and see the exhibit, “Learn & Have Fun: Disaster Prevention Team Report”.
Date & Time: Jan. 27 (Monday) to Feb. 9 (Sunday), 9:00-17:00
Venue: 6A Entrance Gallery





Workshop: Hand-made Christmas Wreaths

On Dec. 14, the CR Empathy Team participated in a Christmas event at Izumitamatsuyu Temporary Housing in Izumi, Iwaki-city.  It a large scale housing estate where 200 families from Tomioka-cho, near the nuclear power plant, are living.  The awareness of the residents is high and they get together and conduct events on a regular basis.
The Christmas event was organized by resident volunteers and volunteers from outside the area.  Wreath-making using woolen yarn by 9 students from the Social Engineering course and Art and Design course started at 9:30 in the morning and was over in about an hour.  Twenty groups, over 50 people ranging from a 3 year-old to the elderly, participated and enjoyed working together with the students.
The wreaths were hung from the ceiling and became decorative displays for the Christmas event that followed.  We plan to keep in touch for the next fiscal year and would like to discuss about the “mud game project” that we had initially planned. (Osaka)

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Taikan Taiken (Feel & Experience) Lab Team holds an exhibition showing its accomplishments

An exhibition showing the accomplishments of the Taikan Taiken (Feel & Experience) Lab Team is being held at 6A Entrance Gallery.  Scenes of the workshops carried out at Fukushima-shi, Tsuchi-yu and Iwaki-shi, Onahama are on display as well as the members’ reports with large photographs of the activities.  Please come and see them.
Date & Time: Dec. 9 (Monday) to Dec. 23 (Monday), 9:00-17:00
Venue: 6A Entrance Gallery (Iida)




”Kamado (Cooking range) Day” in Hojo, Tsukuba city.

On Nov. 30, the students organized the ”Kamado (cooking range) Day”.  Out in the open, 3 hagama (broad-brimmed cooking pot for rice) were arranged on the kamado (cooking range) made of stacked bricks, and new rice (the first crop of rice of the year) was cooked.
Pizza was also baked in the kamado made of L-shaped steel and bricks, and kenchin-jiru (Japanese tofu and vegetable soup) and sumitsukare, a local specialty, were also served to the locals.
The reconstruction support attempt by this Food Culture Team won the Semi Grand Prix at an international design competition, the Tokyo Designers Week 2013.  It was a remarkable achievement in that their activity, which brought about events and situations in the disaster stricken areas, was recognized by the design world. (Osaka)





Disaster Prevention Team organized Disaster Prevention Game at Takahagi Industrial Recovery Festival

On Nov. 16, 17, the Disaster Prevention Team participated in the Takahagi Industrial Recovery Festival held in Takahagi-shi, Ibaraki Prefecture, and organized a disaster prevention game on a slope.
By conducting the game on a slope that would be the evacuation route at a time of an earthquake, it would increase the sense of awareness for disaster prevention.
At the signal to start, the participants climbed the slope, and at 2 points on the slope scattered were small articles from which they had to pick up goods necessary for evacuation and run up to the goal.   Adults and children both carefully chose the disaster prevention goods and energetically ran up the slope.  A disaster prevention map of the Takahagi station area created by the disaster prevention team was also handed out to the participants in preparation for a disaster.  The booklet will be distributed by Takahagi City Office as a support item for the citizens to help themselves in case of a disaster.  (Iida)





Itako City Hinode Elementary and Middle Schools Joint Workshop

On Oct. 31, the Itako team carried out a Halloween event, “Workshop: Making masks with paper bags”, for the 4th graders of Itako City Hinode Elementary School in Ibaraki Prefecture.

The elementary school children full of energy made their original masks with paper bags, and they will be photographed with their masks on.  The art club students at Hinode Middle School, who had done the workshop in August, also came with the CR students to help the elementary school children.

The Itako team’s theme is to strengthen the ties among the new residential areas, an issue that was revealed after the earthquake, and is planning on workshops that join together the elementary and middle schools, which are the region’s educational centers.  Scenes from this workshop were shown at Hinode Middle School Festival on Nov. 9, and drew the attention of middle school students as well as the parents and elementary school children who came to the event.  (Iida)






Yui Team: Exhibition is on!

An exhibition showing the fruits of the “Yui Team Project” is currently being held.  Scenes from the launch of the project to the preparations and of the workshops held 4 times in September are on display.  “Yui’s pottery works” made by the participants are also on display.  Please come and see them.  (Hashimoto)

Date & Time:  Nov. 9 (Saturday) to Nov. 22 (Friday), 9:00-18:00
Venue:  6A Entrance Gallery





Tokyo Designers Week 2013, School Exhibition: Wins the Semi Grand Prix!

The CR team won the Semi Grand Prix at the Tokyo Designers Week 2013 Asia Awards School Exhibition. The activities of the Aizu team
and Food Culture (Hojo) team and their proposals of lifestyles after the earthquake were highly evaluated. Two and a half years have passed since the earthquake and at the Tokyo venue where the memory is gradually fading, the presentation and winning the prize were significant in promoting our activities. (Iida)



Tokyo Designers Week 2013: Upload of Team Introduction Images, Order of presentation announced.

The Aizu team
and Food Culture (Hojo) team created introduction videos for the Tokyo Designers Week 2013. The videos have been uploaded on You Tube. Please take a look.
The Aizu team

Food Culture (Hojo) team

On Nov. 3 (Sunday), 9:00-12:30, the presentation order of the exhibiting schools was announced, and the University of Tsukuba, Creative Reconstruction Project will go on 28th among the 30 schools. The venue is in the TDW dome. Please come to this event, too. (Hashimoto)