Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art, the 3rd Session will invite the graphic designer, Naomichi Kawabata, and ask him give a lecture on the theme, “World War I & the Great Kanto Earthquake – Historical Relationship of Japan-Germany Posters”. Please come and take part, as anyone is welcome to attend. (Akagi)
Date & Time: Oct. 31 (Friday), 16:45 to 18:00
Venue: 5C416
Category Archives: Catastrophe & Art
Preview: Catastrophe & Art, 2nd Session
Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art, the 2nd Session will invite Ryuichi Kaneko, a researcher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography. He will give a talk under the theme of “Photographic expression of Japan and the A-bomb”. Please come and take part, as anyone is welcome to attend. (Akagi)
Date & Time: Oct. 24 (Friday), 16:45 to 18:00
Venue: 5C416
Notice about ”Creative Reconstruction Program” Orientation Session
An overall orientation session for the “Creative Reconstruction Program” will be carried out. Those of you who are thinking of taking the following classes, or are interested in the Creative Reconstruction Program, please come and attend. We will give you a summary of the “Creative Reconstruction Program” classes as well as about last year’s activities and about new projects that will begin this year. (Akagi)
Date & Time: Apr. 10 (Thursday), 18:15 – 19:15
Place: 5C216
List of Classes for “Creative Reconstruction Program”
Creative Reconstruction Special Assignments I (01EB081)
Creative Reconstruction Off-Campus Special Assignment I (01EB082)
Creative Reconstruction Special Course on Art Theory (01EB083)
Creative Reconstruction: Psychological Support After Crisis (Y505101・HB21131)
Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation I (Y505201・AC42161・AC63541)
Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art(Y505401)
Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation Assignments (Y635102・AC42182・AC63562・FH53072)
Creative Reconstruction: Off-Campus Challenge Assignments (Y635202)
Creative Reconstruction: Science Visualization Assignments (Y635302)
Creative Reconstruction: Hybrid Art Assignments (Y635402)
Creative Reconstruction: Problem Finding/Solving Exercises (Y635502)
Creative Reconstruction: Off-Campus Challenge Special Assignments (Y635602)
Preview: Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art – Dec. 13, Friday
At the next Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art, Naomichi Kawabata, the graphic designer, will come to give a lecture on “World War I & the Great Kanto Earthquake – Historical Relationship of Japan-Germany Posters”. A summary of “Catastrophe & Art” will be carried out in the 7th period.
Venue: Tsukuba University, Bldg. 5C Rm. 416
Date & Time: Dec. 13, Friday
6th Period – 16:45~18:00 Lecturer: Naomichi Kawabata,
7th Period – 18:15~19:30 Summary (Toshiharu Omuka)
* The class extends over 2 periods. Please come as anyone can take part. (Hashimoto)
(日本語) 予告 創造的復興:カタストロフィーと芸術−11月22日(金)
At the next Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art, 2 lecturers will be invited. The names of the lecturers and their lecture themes are as follows:
6th Period: Eriko Kogo, Associate Professor, Waseda University, “Disasters & Picture Postcards”
7th Period: Shuji Tanaka, Associate Professor, Oita University, “Catastrophe & Monuments”
Venue: Tsukuba University, 5C416
Date & Time: Nov. 22, Friday. 6th Period, 16:45-18:00, 7th Period, 18:15-19:30
*The class extends over 2 periods. Please come as anyone can take part.
Preview: Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art – Nov. 9, Saturday.
At the next Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art, 3 lecturers will be invited to conduct an intensive class. The names of the lecturers and their lecture themes are as follows:
Akihisa Kawada (Associate Professor at Chiba Institute of Technology), “The Pacific War & War Paintings”
Setsuko Ozawa (Lecturer at Tsuru University), “The Atomic Bomb Pictures”
Moojeong Chung (Duksung Women’s University), “The Korean War & Art”
Venue: Tsukuba University, 5C416
Date & Time: Nov. 9, Saturday. *This is an intensive class.
13:00 – 14:15: Akihisa Kawada
14:30 – 15:45: Setsuko Ozawa
16:00 – 17:30: Moojeong Chung *Consecutive interpretation provided.
17:30 – : Questions & Answers
Since everyone is invited to attend, please come and join us. (Hashimoto)
Preview: Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art – Oct. 25, Friday.
Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art – Oct. 25, Friday, Ryuichi Kaneko, a researcher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography has been invited to give a lecture on “Disasters & Photography”.
Ryuichi Kaneko is a photo historian, a collector of photography books, and a special researcher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography since 1990. He has not only worked on projects at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, but has served as a curator for many exhibitions at other art museums as well. He has co-edited and co-authored, “日本近代写真の成立 (The Founding of Modern Japanese Photography)”, “定本 木村伊兵衛 (Original Text: Ihei Kimura)”, “植田正治私の写真作法 (Shoji Ueda: My Codes of Photography)”, “Independent Photographers In Japan 1976-83”, “The History of Japanese Photography”, and many others. He also supervised the series of reprints of the rare photography books from the pre-war period “日本写真史の至宝 (The Greatest Treasures in the History of Japanese Photography)”.
Venue: Tsukuba University, Room 5C416
Date & Time: Oct. 25, Friday, 16:45~18:00
Everyone is invited to attend.
Preview: Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art – Oct. 11, Friday.
”Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art”, which started this fall, will invite extramural instructors from various disciplines to give lectures. Since anyone can attend these lectures, please come and participate.
Summary of the course (From the Syllabus): “When people experience a major catastrophe, they sometimes overcome their wounds through art. By referring to modern examples, a study into what sorts of expressions were effective will be discussed.”
For the class on Oct. 11 (Friday), Mayumi Sugawara, an art historian and Associate Professor at the Kyoto University of Arts and Design, will come to give a lecture on the theme, “Catastrophe in the Edo Period and Ukiyo-e”.
Venue: Tsukuba University Bldg. 5C Rm. 416
Date & Time: Oct. 11, Friday, 16:45~18:00.