The Premier Screening of “Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)”

On Feb. 16, the premier screening of  “Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)” was held in Iwaki-city.  A total of 160 people came.  Not only the people who had contributed to creating the movie, but there were also many people from the general public.  We would like to once again extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who was involved in creating the movie.
Since the premier was in Iwaki-city where the reporting and shooting were carried out, the entire staff was quite nervous at first.  At the talk show after the screening, every student expressed their gratitude toward the people who had given them support, and what they had learned through the movie-making came across as well.  Their sense of devotion to the movie was once again revealed.  Many valuable comments and thoughts were expressed during the question-and-answer period.  We believe that we must address every comment seriously.
The movie will be shown on Friday, 21st at Tsukuba University, and on Sunday, March 2 at Tokyo UPLINK.  We would like many people to see the movie and give us their opinions.  Please come to the coming showings as well.  (Hashimoto)

“Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)” Website:




Trailer for “Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)” done!

The trailer for the movie “Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)” has been completed.  Please watch as it has been uploaded on the “Iwaki Note” website.  The premier screening is on the 16th, this weekend, and subsequent screenings will be held thereafter.  The weather on the 16th does not look promising, but the entire staff would like to sincerely welcome you. (Hashimoto)

Website of “Iwaki Note”:
(Trailer by Shun Arima / Website design by Masashige Iida)

Premier Screening of “Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)”

The premier showing of the film “Iwaki Note (FUKUSHIMA VOICE)”, which production began in December 2012, will be held at 3 venues in Iwaki-city, Tsukuba-city and Tokyo.  The film is an attempt to depict the future of the disaster stricken area through the words of the people who have lived in Iwaki-city in Fukushima prefecture for the two years after the Great East Japan Earthquake.  The entire staff sincerely welcomes you to come and see the movie. (Hashimoto)
Details of the screening are as follows:

1. Iwaki:  Feb. 16, 14:00 (Distribution of numbered tickets from 12:00)
Iwaki Performing Arts Center, Alios, Smaller Theater (Fukushima-ken, Iwaki-shi, Taira Misaki 1-6)
2. Tsukuba:  Feb. 21, 15:00 (Distribution of numbered tickets from 13:00)
Tsukuba University, University Hall (Ibaraki-ken, Tsukuba-shi, Tennodai 1-1)
3. Tokyo:  March 2, 16:00 and 19:00 (Distribution of numbered tickets for both showings from 10:45)
UPLINK Factory (Tokyo, Shibuya-ku, Udagawa-cho 37-18)
◎Free of charge at all venues, but seats are limited and will be on a first-come-first served basis.  (Numbered tickets will be distributed at each venue.)
◎After the screening, a talk show (about 30 min) with the actors is being planned



“FUKUSHIMA VOICE” article in information magazine.

“Iwaki Note” (English title, “FUKUSHIMA VOICE”) was introduced in “VOLO”, the comprehensive informational magazine published by Osaka Voluntary Action Center.  Ryuichi Shimada, who is editing the movie, has contributed an article.  Please read. 
The premier screening in Iwaki-city is only a month away and we are working on posters and fliers, too! (Hashimoto)

Title and screening schedule announced, rush preview.

The title of the documentary movie, which is currently being edited, will be “Iwaki Note” (English title, “FUKUSHIMA VOICE”).

The premier screening in Iwaki has also been announced:  Sunday, Feb. 16, 2014, from 14:00 at the Iwaki Performing Arts Center, Alios, Smaller Theater.  Information will be posted again when the screening date approaches.

The 3rd rush preview was conducted on Saturday, Dec. 21, and instructors of the CR were also invited to participate.  After the screening, specific comments about the composition of the film and the length (showing time) were voiced by the instructors.  It was a valuable opportunity to hear comments from the outside.  Many said that they were “touched” by the movie, and positive feedbacks and expectations towards the movie and other activities were conveyed.  The editing process is at the final stage to the completion of the movie, and we will be carrying out preparations for the premier screening as well. (Hashimoto)



【FUKUSHIMA VOICE】Premier screening venue in Iwaki announced

The premier showing of the movie will be at the Iwaki Performing Arts Center, Alios, on Sunday, Feb. 16 of next year.   A get-together meeting after the screening is being organized.  The staff members of FUKUSHIMA VOICE would like to speak in their own words about the making of the film and have an opportunity to meet and greet the viewers.  Details of the screening schedule will be announced as soon as they are available.  We would like many people including the people who had given us support to come.  (Hashimoto)


【FUKUSHIMA VOICE】Carried out a rush meeting.

On Nov. 9, the members of the FUKUSHIMA VOICE got together for a rush meeting.
We watched the rush edited down by the director, Mr. Shimada, to approximately 2 hrs from the enormous amount of recorded images, and then expressed our thoughts and discussed the various factors. Seeing the edited movie for the first time since the filming camp and looking back on the shootings, many large obstacles in creating a piece of work were revealed. From here on, every single one of us will convey and talk about one’s thoughts on the direction of the film and attempt to produce a good piece of work. The premiere is planned for February next year! (Hashimoto)


FUKUSHIMA VOICE Filming Practice

Members of the documentary film project “FUKUSHIMA VOICE” carried out a film-shooting camp from Sept. 1 to 8. On the first day, “Mirai Kaigi (Future Meeting) in Iwaki x FUKUSHIMA VOICE” was held and the Mirai Kaigi was filmed. The Mirai Kaigi will be the pillar of this film.
[Mirai Kaigi (Future Meeting) in Iwaki x FUKUSHIMA VOICE]


The students experienced first hand the unique atmosphere of each shooting and learned a lot of things including camera-work and how to connect with their subjects. As the days went by, their will to create a good film became stronger. Through our reporting, we not only learned about the earthquake and its effects, but also about the life of the subjects, and felt the enormous responsibility of recording on film as well as the profound depth involved in film-making.
At the film-shooting camp, we were blessed with support from a wide range of people. We would like to thank the people in Iwaki who agreed to talk to us and to those who gave us support. We will work on consolidating all your voices into one. The film is due to be completed and ready for show at the end of November. To deliver the voices of Fukushima throughout the world, we intend to continue working together very hard. (Hashimoto)





FUKUSHIMA VOICE Filming practice

During the three days between August 10th and 12th, the FUKUSHIMA VOICE members started to practice for the shooting. On the first day, they attended a lecture to learn the basic operation technics of the shooting material, and interviewed each other for practice. On the second day, we practiced shooting group discussions. And on the third day, the group divided in 4 teams and each of them took appointments and went to shoot and interview outside of the school the bicycle shop keeper, the security guard, the udon restaurant owner, the candy shop owner, etc. With this practice we were able to experience the difficulty of the camera work, the recording of the sound, the way the conversation can spread, and other things related to the technique of shooting. We are hoping to put into practice during the actual shooting the various technical points that Mr Shimada, director, and Mr Osawa, producer, taught us. We are also working on the search for shooting subjects in order to be prepared for the shooting trip planned in September. (hashimoto)

FUKUSHIMA VOICE in progress!

With the outline of the documentary FUKUSHIMA VOICE decided upon, the students have divided into 4 teams in order to start actually tackling the project. On the 1st of September, we will organise in the city of Iwaki a Iwaki future meeting ×FUKUSHIMA VOICE that will be aimed at providing footage for the documentary, and the accumulation of the voices that will raise during the meeting will be aprehended undertaken as a whole. Then by also observing the individual participants, we will try to depict through this film both the “individual voice” of each person, and the “big voice” created by the gathering of each individual voice. Participants to the Iwaki future meeting can be coming from Iwaki city as well as outside the city. Please come and tell us your stories.

Iwaki future meeting ×FUKUSHIMA VOICE

Iwaki future meeting. Details here.