Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 1, 3rd Session

At the 3rd session of Vision Formulation, Mr. Kikuo Morimoto, Representative of the Institute for Khmer Traditional Textiles (IKTT), came and spoke about “Traditional textiles and the reconstruction of life”.
He spoke about how he restored the traditional Cambodian silk textile, Khmer textile, and the story of how the current village was developed. ”I wanted to make something of real quality, and I believed that if something of genuine quality can be sold, I would be able to employ the local people.” It was from such thoughts that prompted him to start by cultivating the wilderness and planting mulberry trees. His story was very inspiring and informative. It made us realize that not only is it essential to rediscover local traditions and resources, but also to follow tradition and take it to the next stage for further development. (Akagi)


Preview: Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 1, 3rd Session

At the 3rd session of Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation, we will invite Mr. Kikuo Morimoto, Representative of the Institute for Khmer Traditional Textiles (IKTT) and ask him to talk about “Traditional textiles and the reconstruction of life”.  In 1996, he founded the Cambodian NGO, IKTT in Takhmao, a suburb of Phnom Penh, and ever since, has been working on the revival of traditional Cambodian silk textiles, which had almost ceased to exist during the civil war, and on restoring the traditional breeding of silkworms.  The restoration of traditional and local resources probably has much in common with the team activities of CR.  Please come and take part.

Venue:  Tsukuba University, Bldg. 6A Rm.208
Date & Time:  May 2 (Friday), 12:15~13:30


Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 1, 2nd Session

The artist, Ms. Honma of Kyun-Chome, was invited to give a talk under the title, “Beyond Off-Limits”.  She mentioned that many of her works created after the Great East Japan Earthquake are at times rather radical and have been met with mixed reception, but she went through each piece, one by one, to explain her thoughts in creating the works.  It was an inspiring talk that gave some hints to the question “What is the role of art after an earthquake disaster?” that the students are always asking themselves.  (Akagi)


Preview: Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 1, 2nd Session

At the 2nd session of Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 1, we will invite Ms. Honma of Kyun-Chome to give a talk.  Along with the lecture, 4 video images will be shown at the 6A Entrance Gallery.  Please come.  (Iida)

Title: Beyond Off-Limits
Venue: Tsukuba University, Bldg.
6A Rm. 208
Date & Time: Apr. 18 (Friday), 12:15 – 13:30
Venue: Tsukuba University, 6A Entrance Gallery
Date & Time:  Apr. 11 (Friday) to Apr. 18 (Friday), 9:00 – 18:00
* Closed on Saturdays and Sundays


Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 1, 1st Session

On Friday, April 11 at the 1st session of Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 1, Daisuke Tsuda, the journalist and media activist, was invited to speak about the “Efforts made after the earthquake disaster”.  He spoke about the planning of the “SHARE FUKUSHIMA” live show held at a Seven-Eleven in Toyoma-ku, Iwaki-shi, Fukushima, about his book “Fukuichi Kanko Project (Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Tourist Site Project)” (Edited by Hiroki Azuma), and also spoke much with reference to the keyword “tourism”.


Notice about ”Creative Reconstruction Program” Orientation Session

名称未設定 1

An overall orientation session for the “Creative Reconstruction Program” will be carried out. Those of you who are thinking of taking the following classes, or are interested in the Creative Reconstruction Program, please come and attend. We will give you a summary of the “Creative Reconstruction Program” classes as well as about last year’s activities and about new projects that will begin this year. (Akagi)
Date & Time: Apr. 10 (Thursday), 18:15 – 19:15

Place: 5C216

List of Classes for “Creative Reconstruction Program”

Creative Reconstruction Special Assignments I (01EB081)
Creative Reconstruction Off-Campus Special Assignment I (01EB082)

Creative Reconstruction Special Course on Art Theory (01EB083)

Creative Reconstruction: Psychological Support After Crisis (Y505101・HB21131)

Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation I (Y505201・AC42161・AC63541)
Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art(Y505401)

Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation Assignments (Y635102・AC42182・AC63562・FH53072)

Creative Reconstruction: Off-Campus Challenge Assignments (Y635202)

Creative Reconstruction: Science Visualization Assignments (Y635302)
Creative Reconstruction: Hybrid Art Assignments (Y635402)
Creative Reconstruction: Problem Finding/Solving Exercises (Y635502)

Creative Reconstruction: Off-Campus Challenge Special Assignments (Y635602)

A Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 10th (and last) session

For the 10th (and last) session of Vision Formulation 2, we were honored to welcome the artist Mr. Yoshiaki Kaihatsu who gave a lecture about “How to approach the disaster of March 11th through art”. Mr. Kaihatsu who saw the huge amount of wreckage caused by the disaster, understood that many cultural assets were also being lost, and decided to organise various projects in order to bring back culture to places that lost it. Mr. Kaihatsu, through his projects that are aiming at providing emotional support, helping with the handling of wreckage, and keeping alive existing intangible cultural assets, offers a long-sighted approach of the issues and tackles the problems from varied points of view. He said : “Actions will definitively trigger something,” and his words were a source of encouragement for the students. (Hashimoto)

A Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 10th session announcement and information about related exhibitions

For the 10th (and last) session of Vision Formulation 2, we will welcome the artist Mr. Yoshiaki Kaihatsu. Since the disaster of 2011 and the nuclear accident, Mr Kaihatsu has been putting a lot of energy in implementing a large variety of projects : “Dailily Art Circus” for which he has piled up artworks in a truck and driven across Japan to hold charity exhibitions; “Politicians’ House” involving opening every 15th of the month a free of charge rest area reserved to the politicians in Soma city, Fukushima prefecture; “The Words Library” for which he has interviewed people from the coastal areas from Aomori to Fukushima; “Kita-Yakata Kagura(japanese divine dance) : the Beginning of the End”, a DVD in which he directed the recording the Shishi-Kagura(Lions Dance) of Kita-Yakata in the Kashima district of the City of Minami-Soma, etc.
“A Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation 2, 10th session. Guest: Yoshiaki Kaihatsu”
Location : University of Tsukuba [Bldg 6A, Room 208]
Friday, June 28th @ 4:45pm〜6:00pm
During the Vision Formulation 2 session, we will screen “Kita-Yakata Dance : the Beginning of the End”, a movie made in order to re-introduce the dances of Kita-Yakata, traditional performances which have been alive in the district of Kashima, city of Minami-Soma in Fukushima prefecture.
“Kita-Yakata Kagura : the Beginning of the End ”
Location: University of Tsukuba [Bldg 6A, Entrance Gallery]
Tuesday, June 25th to Friday, June 28th, 10:00Am〜5:00pm
