Buddhist Lantern Festival at Choonji Temple, “Sora no Katachi (The pattern of the universe)”

The Itako team was in charge of the lighting effects of the lanterns on Aug. 13th and 14th at the Buddhist Lantern Festival at Choonji Temple (Itako-shi, Hinode) held from Aug. 13th to 16th. With help from the students at Itako City Hinode Junior High School, where the Itako team had conducted workshops, about 10,000 lanterns were set up. The lanterns represented the stars in the sky and the lighting was designed to portray the Milky Way, which was symbolic of the unlimited possibilities of the children who would be the main players of the region’s future. A message board was also installed on the grounds so that visitors to the shrine could write in any messages they wished. Many people left messages about the good things in Itako and about their memories of the Lantern Festival. Damages from the liquefaction phenomenon due to the earthquake are still quite apparent in the Choonji, Hinode Elementary and Junior High School areas, but we heard that proper restoration works are finally starting to happen. The students will carry out a questionnaire survey of the visitors and assess the changing needs of the area and try to incorporate the findings in their future activities. (Iida)


The Okuma Tsukuba Summer Festival 2014

On Aug. 10 (Sunday), “The Okuma Tsukuba Summer Festival” was held at the North Emergency Temporary Housing of Johoku Elementary School in Aizu-Wakamatsu city.

This year’s exhibits included cloth-card story shows by the Okuma-Furusato Seminar, stalls set up by the IORI Club and Shichirin-Pottery (Shichirin is a small, portable charcoal grill).  People from the Aizu and Kitakata regions gave us their support and cooperation.  The weather was unfortunate due to the typhoon, but it appeared that the people from the temporary housing and the local areas had fun participating.  In the evening, children carrying the children’s mikoshi shrine paraded energetically around the temporary housing premises, and in the finale, everyone took part in the Okuma Bon-Odori dancing.  This year, we were able to talk to and hear more stories from the people of Okuma-cho than last year.  We are now discussing how to come up with a suitable way to deliver these stories.  (Akagi)



“The Okuma-Tsukuba Summer Festival”

On Aug. 10 (Sunday), “The Okuma Tsukuba Summer Festival” will be held at the North Emergency Temporary Housing of Johoku Elementary School in Aizu-Wakamatsu city. A huge yagura (Tower) of assembled logs will be at the center with many kinds of stalls, including fried noodles, shaved ice with syrup and yo-yo fishing, surrounding the yagura, and Bon-odori (Bon-festival dancing) will be held in the evening. The summer festival this year has been planned and organized by a joint effort between the people of Okuma-cho and Tsukuba University students. We ask people of neighboring areas as well as people from other prefectures to please come to the “The Okuma Tsukuba Summer Festival”, which has been stepped up in size and quality.
The Okuma Tsukuba Summer Festival
Date & Time: Sunday, Aug. 10, 15:00 ~ 20:00
Venue: North Emergency Temporary Housing of Johoku Elementary School, Aizu-Wakamatsu city.


Kotonoha Team, Minami-Soma Tour

Because of the code sharing with the College of Comparative Culture that started this year, the “Kotonoha Team” has been created. Applying the properties of its specialty, activities focused on “words” are being planned. As a start, we decided to visit the site and went on a tour of Minami-Soma City in Fukushima on May 10 and 11. (14 students, 4 instructors) The first day, we visited the Koike Naganuma Nishi Emergency Temporary Housing, where residents of the Odaka district, who suffered damages from both the tsunami and radiation, live. 
Minoru Matsumoto, Chief of the Odaka District Regional Development Division spoke to us about the damages and the reconstruction plans, and Shinichiro Raku, President of the Community Association, about the life at the temporary housing and its problems with reference to actual examples. Since the damages in the Odaka district are not the same across the board, we listened to stories by the evacuees from the eastern region, western region and central region. In the evening, we visited the home of Mikako Takahashi, President of Hokuyosha Cleaning, Japan, and a supporter of “Tsunagaro Minami-Soma”. She showed us some valuable video footage and told us about how she was among the first to reopen her cleaning business after the disastrous earthquake. The second day, we toured the Odaka district with Matsumoto-san, guided by Fumitoshi Kanazawa, Chief Curator of the Fukushima Museum. This is an area preparing for the lifting of the evacuation directive, and although a return in 2 years has been decided, the conditions are still as can be seen in the photograph. It was heart wrenching for us, too, to see the sad looks on Raku-san, Tamagawa-san and Inamura-san, who had come with us from the temporary housing. We also visited Rikuzenhama-kaido, Soma Odaka Shrine, Kashima Fukko Shopping Center and Michinoku Kashima Baseball Stadium. It was a two-day visit in which we felt we had learned things that we could never have known just by reading about them. (Takahashi)



Notice about ”Creative Reconstruction Program” Orientation Session

名称未設定 1

An overall orientation session for the “Creative Reconstruction Program” will be carried out. Those of you who are thinking of taking the following classes, or are interested in the Creative Reconstruction Program, please come and attend. We will give you a summary of the “Creative Reconstruction Program” classes as well as about last year’s activities and about new projects that will begin this year. (Akagi)
Date & Time: Apr. 10 (Thursday), 18:15 – 19:15

Place: 5C216

List of Classes for “Creative Reconstruction Program”

Creative Reconstruction Special Assignments I (01EB081)
Creative Reconstruction Off-Campus Special Assignment I (01EB082)

Creative Reconstruction Special Course on Art Theory (01EB083)

Creative Reconstruction: Psychological Support After Crisis (Y505101・HB21131)

Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation I (Y505201・AC42161・AC63541)
Creative Reconstruction: Catastrophe & Art(Y505401)

Creative Reconstruction: Vision Formulation Assignments (Y635102・AC42182・AC63562・FH53072)

Creative Reconstruction: Off-Campus Challenge Assignments (Y635202)

Creative Reconstruction: Science Visualization Assignments (Y635302)
Creative Reconstruction: Hybrid Art Assignments (Y635402)
Creative Reconstruction: Problem Finding/Solving Exercises (Y635502)

Creative Reconstruction: Off-Campus Challenge Special Assignments (Y635602)

Learn & Have Fun: Disaster Prevention Team’s Report Exhibition

An exhibition of the Disaster Prevention team’s report is being held at 6A Entrance gallery.
Photos from the disaster prevention game carried out on a slope at the Takahagi Industrial Recovery Festival last November and the Takahagi-shi Disaster Prevention booklet that the team created are on display. Please come and see the exhibit, “Learn & Have Fun: Disaster Prevention Team Report”.
Date & Time: Jan. 27 (Monday) to Feb. 9 (Sunday), 9:00-17:00
Venue: 6A Entrance Gallery





Off-Campus Challenge Assignments Review Meeting

A review meeting of the Off-Campus Challenge Special Assignments/ Off-Campus Challenge Assignments was carried out on Saturday, Dec. 21.  A total of 11 teams of students and instructors involved in the assignments reported on their activities for 15 min each.  It was a good opportunity for the students to learn about the activities of other teams and a sense of enthusiasm could be detected.
The reports of the review meeting and questionnaires of the assignments will be shared within the CR and passed on to serve as reference for next year’s activities. (Iida)

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Workshop: Hand-made Christmas Wreaths

On Dec. 14, the CR Empathy Team participated in a Christmas event at Izumitamatsuyu Temporary Housing in Izumi, Iwaki-city.  It a large scale housing estate where 200 families from Tomioka-cho, near the nuclear power plant, are living.  The awareness of the residents is high and they get together and conduct events on a regular basis.
The Christmas event was organized by resident volunteers and volunteers from outside the area.  Wreath-making using woolen yarn by 9 students from the Social Engineering course and Art and Design course started at 9:30 in the morning and was over in about an hour.  Twenty groups, over 50 people ranging from a 3 year-old to the elderly, participated and enjoyed working together with the students.
The wreaths were hung from the ceiling and became decorative displays for the Christmas event that followed.  We plan to keep in touch for the next fiscal year and would like to discuss about the “mud game project” that we had initially planned. (Osaka)

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CR Review Meeting

A review meeting of the Off-Campus Challenge Special Assignments/ Off-Campus Challenge Assignments will be carried out.  Students from each team will give a report of their activities.
Date: Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013
Time: 9:00~12:40
Venue: 6A208

9:00 Meeting time,   9:10 Aizu Team,   9:30 Taikan Taiken Lab Team,   9:50  Empathy Team,  10:10 Disaster Prevention Team,  10:30 Break,    10:40 Itako Team, 11:00 Yui Team,  11:20 Kamado Project Team,    11:40 Print Making Workshop,  11:55 Weekend Art School,
 12:10 Calligraphy,
 12:25 Carving and Modeling,   12:40 Summary.
After all the presentations are over: Report on the Tokyo Designers Week Award
* Since anyone can attend, please come and join us.  You are free to enter and leave the room during the session.  (Akagi)
